Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Dawning of a New Day

I am recently returned from Colorado where I have spent a wonderful, however short, summer working at Trek. My heart remains there as I am now in the Homeland (Nashville) getting ready for my big move to Guatemala.

It has been difficult already to say goodbye to people who I've shared the last six months and the last 5 summers with, however I am excited for the next chapter in my life..."adult life". Although some may not yet call my life the real adult life, I maintain that it is. I have just chosen to begin my real adult life differently than most. I choose to spend it teaching and learning in Guatemala rather than working or continuing on in school in the US. And while the past week has already been difficult (and tearful) enough, the next few days look to be even more so as I say goodbye to my friends in Nashville, my family, and move on to a strange, yet exciting mission in Guatemala.

For my own personal benefit, and for anyone else who chooses to read, I hope to document and record the many workings of God in my life and the wonderful (and not so wonderful) experiences I will have this year in Guatemala in this blog. So welcome, and keep in touch.


Deanna said...

yea for randi's blog! cant wait to see your adventures!!

whiteswan said...

Hi Randi, I just found your blog when I did a search on "Searching for Fernando" I did the search because I am writing a book about a strange series of events that happened to me in Mexico when I was searching for a man. The title of my book is "Searching for Fernando: a true story of destiny, astrology and reincarnation. I was just curious what would come up, and I was pretty surprised when your blog popped up! I am dying to know why you picked that name for your blog. By the way, my husband is from El Tumbador, Guatemala and he is there right now. I was down in Guatemala last January also.